social influence (paper 2)

Cards (24)

  • conformity
    when a person's behaviour/thinking changes as a result of group pressure (this can be imagined or real pressure)
  • obedience
    type of social influence that causes a person to act in response to a direct order from a figure with perceived authority
  • social factors
    explanations of behaviour in terms of the social world around you (social world = groups of ppl you identify with)
  • dispositional factors
    explanations of behaviour in terms of an individual's personality, character or temperament
  • locus of control
    the sense we have about what directs events in our life
    • internal = believe they are responsible
    • external = believe it is a matter of luck
  • agency theory
    whether an individual is making their own free choice or acting as an agent for an authority figure
  • autonomous state
    being aware of consequences of one's actions and therefore taking voluntary control of one's behaviour
  • authority
    the power/right to give orders and expect obedience
  • culture
    our beliefs + expectations that surround us
  • authoritarian personality
    a person who is especially susceptible to obeying people in authority
  • cognitive style
    the way a person thinks about the world
  • displace
    a form of ego mechanism where an individual unconsciously redirects a threatening emotion from the person's thing that has caused it into a third party
  • bystander behaviour
    the presence of others reduces the likelihood that help will be offered in an emergency situation
  • prosocial behaviour
    behaviour which is beneficial to other people (may not necessarily be beneficial to the helper)
  • antisocial behaviour
    behaviour which is harmful to other people (like aggressive or distressing behaviour)
  • collective behaviour
    the actions that happens when people are part of a group
  • crowd
    a large but temporary gathering of people with a common focus
  • deindividuation
    a psychological state where you lose your personal identity and take on the group identify of those around you
  • social loafing
    individuals make a reduced effort when they are part of a group than when they are on their own
  • Asch effect
    when people conform even in an unambiguous situation
  • social factors affecting conformity
    • group size (more people = more pressure to conform)
    • anonymity (less pressure to conform when anonymous)
    • task difficultly (the more difficult the task, the answer becomes less certain, so we are more likely to conform)
  • dispositional factors affecting conformity
    • personality (internal locus of control = less likely to conform, external locus of control = more likely to conform)
    • expertise (increase confidence of opinion, so less likely to conform)
  • agentic shift
    when someone changes from an autonomous state to an agentic state - this occurs when someone perceives another as a figure with authority
  • social factors affecting obedience
    • agency
    • authority
    • culture
    • proximity