English ACC quotes

Cards (57)

  • 'As solitary as an oyster;
  • 'Bah humbug'
  • 'Good afternoon'
  • 'I will honour Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all year round.'
  • 'God bless us every one!'
  • 'smooth white sheet of snow upon the roof, and with the dirtier snow upon the ground' - metaphor for the poor and wealthy, poor being judged by the wealthy.
  • 'no wind blew bitter than he'
  • 'mankind was my business' - marley
  • 'tight fisted hand at the grindstone'
  • 'I wear the chain i forged in life'
  • 'i am as light as a feather, i am as happy as an angel, i am as merry as a schoolboy'
  • 'solitary child neglected by his friends is left there still'
  • 'covetous, old sinner'
  • 'shaking hands with every person individually' - description of Fezziwig
  • 'Nipped his pointed nose , shrivelled his cheeks , stiffed his gait , made his eyes red , his thin lips blue'
  • 'another idol has displaced me ... a golden one'
  • 'This boy is ignorance , this girl is want'
  • 'external heat and cold had little influence on Scrooge'
  • 'darkness is cheap and Scrooge liked it'
  • 'hard and sharp as a flint'
  • 'father is so much kinder than he used to be' - Fan, foreshadows scrooge's character at the end of the play
  • 'i'll raise you salary'
  • 'There was a boy singing a christmas carol at my doorstep last night. I should have given him something' - Stave 2, beginning of Scrooge's redemption
  • 'No warmth should warm, no wintry weather chill him' - Pathetic fallacy as a metaphor for Scrooge's stubbornness and presents him as a cold character
  • 'what reason have you to be merry? , You're poor enough' - Scrooge's ignorant views that money is a necessity (stave 1)
  • 'I will not shut out the lesson that they teach!' - scrooges redemption
  • 'The cold within him, froze his old features'
  • 'Are there no prisons, no work houses'
  • 'small pudding, large family'
  • 'The Phantom slowly, gravely, silently approached'
  • 'i'll raise your salary'
  • 'decrease the surplus population'
  • 'no more work tonight' - Fezziwig is a generous employer unlike scrooge
  • 'carried his own low temperature' - about scrooge, cold hearted, emotionless
  • 'I am here to warn you that you have yet a chance and hope of escaping my fate' - marley to scrooge
  • 'mankind was my business' - marley
  • 'What's christmas time to you but a time of paying bills without money' - scrooge links christmas with financial losses
  • 'a merry christmas to everybody! a happy new year to all the world!' - scrooge
  • 'the spirits of all three shall strive within me' - scrooge
  • 'two tumblers, and a custard cup without a handle' - cratchits celebrate christmas with lack of food but still managed