'I will honourChristmas in my heart, and try to keep it all yearround.'
'God bless us everyone!'
'smooth white sheet of snow upon the roof, and with the dirtier snow upon the ground' - metaphor for the poor and wealthy, poor being judged by the wealthy.
'no wind blew bitter than he'
'mankind was my business' - marley
'tight fisted hand at the grindstone'
'I wear the chain i forged in life'
'i am as light as a feather, i am as happy as an angel, i am as merry as a schoolboy'
'solitary child neglected by his friends is left there still'
'covetous, old sinner'
'shaking hands with every personindividually' - description of Fezziwig
'Nipped his pointed nose , shrivelled his cheeks , stiffed his gait , made his eyes red , his thin lips blue'
'another idol has displaced me ... a golden one'
'This boy is ignorance , this girl is want'
'externalheat and cold had littleinfluence on Scrooge'
'darkness is cheap and Scrooge liked it'
'hard and sharp as a flint'
'father is so much kinder than he used to be' - Fan, foreshadows scrooge's character at the end of the play
'i'll raise you salary'
'There was a boy singing a christmas carol at my doorstep last night. I should have given him something' - Stave 2, beginning of Scrooge's redemption
'No warmth should warm, no wintry weather chill him' - Pathetic fallacy as a metaphor for Scrooge's stubbornness and presents him as a cold character
'what reason have you to be merry? , You're poor enough' - Scrooge's ignorant views that money is a necessity (stave 1)
'I will not shut out the lesson that they teach!' - scrooges redemption
'The cold within him, froze his old features'
'Are there no prisons, no workhouses'
'small pudding, large family'
'The Phantom slowly, gravely, silently approached'
'i'll raise your salary'
'decrease the surpluspopulation'
'no more worktonight' - Fezziwig is a generous employer unlike scrooge
'carried his own lowtemperature' - about scrooge, cold hearted, emotionless
'I am here to warn you that you have yet a chance and hope of escaping my fate' - marley to scrooge
'mankind was my business' - marley
'What's christmastime to you but a time of payingbills without money' - scrooge links christmas with financial losses
'a merry christmas to everybody! a happy new year to all the world!' - scrooge
'the spirits of all three shall strivewithin me' - scrooge
'two tumblers, and a custard cup without a handle' - cratchits celebrate christmas with lack of food but still managed