China, contribution to emissions

Cards (3)

  • -with an economy largely dependent on biofuels, total emissions of carbon from burning fossil fuels were modest
    -however after 1978 the situation changed and china's leaders created a policy which moved the country away from a strict command economy and the country embraced the free market
    -economic liberalisation stimulated international trade and foreign direct investment, which therefore meant china emerged as a major player in the global economy with economic growth based on export led manufacturing
  • -industrialization was accompanied by urbanisation, involving hundreds of millions of people, the migration from rural to urban areas in china in the past 40 years was the largest population movement in history
  • -carbon emission rose two and a half times in the period 200-2014
    -however emission rates have slowed recently 
    -chins has aims to reduce co2 emission by 60%