media and culture

Cards (6)

    • Role of culture in gender behaviour:
    Cultural differences: if we find that some behaviours are culturally specific, it suggests that socialisation has influenced behaviours (nurture) - for example - girls in England being calm, and girls in Asia being loud - shows an influence of their environments on their behaviour
    On the other hand ….
    Cultural similarities: if a certain gender role behaviour appears to be consistent across different cultures - it suggests an innate, biological basis of gender behaviours (nature)
  • David buss 
    • Consistent mate preferences in mate preferences in 37 countries across all continents 
    • In all cultures …
    • women sought out partners who had wealth and resources 
    • Men sought out partners who were youthful and physically attractive
    This suggests that gendered behaviours are biological and universal - supporting biological explanations of gender development and opposing SLT
    • Role of media in gender behaviour:
    Media provides role models
    • children may want to identify and imitate
    Children are likely to imitate same sex models who engage in gender appropriate behaviour
    Rigid stereotypes:
    The media gives very clear gender stereotypes, such as men being independent, ambitious etc and women are dependent and unambitious 
  • Cultural differences - gendered behaviours are learnt - Margret mead
    • Studied 3 tribes in Papua new guinea
    • M Tribe - found that both males and females were aggressive and hostile
    • A Tribe - found that both males and females were gentle and responsive 
    • T Tribe - found that women were dominant and organised and men were passive and decorative
    This suggests that gendered behaviours are learnt and due to environments and socialisation (not innate) - supporting the social learning theory of gender 
  • Media provides role models
    • children may want to identify and imitate
    Children are likely to imitate same sex models who engage in gender appropriate behaviour
    Rigid stereotypes:
    The media gives very clear gender stereotypes, such as men being independent, ambitious etc and women are dependent and unambitious 
  • Analysis of tv ads - Furnham: 
    found that:
    Men - leadership roles
    Women - family, domestic roles
    Suggests the media plays a role in reinforcing social stereotypes 
    BUT ….
    The media does more than just confirming gender stereotypical behaviours- media can show a child what they are able to do - self efficacy (mitra et al) - detective drama show in India starring a female. Young girls who watched the show were more likely to see themselves as capable of working outside of the home than girls who didn't watch the show - suggests self efficacy had changed as a result of media