Cards (34)

  • Available in the market
    • computer case sizes
    • computer case models
  • Computer cases are a visible part of our computers
  • it is used to serve as a protective structure for the rest of the internal components like motherboard, RAM, hard drive, cooling fans, and other expansions cards from the external influences
  • computer cases is also called - PC towers or Computer towers
  • full tower case - comes with fair size and weight, which usually has better internal cooling
  • Full towers cases have always been excellent for gamers and enthusiasts
  • Rails most modern pieces with an easy solution through the tiresome chore of mounting new devices in dry bays
  • Back Plates are holes are designed to allow various external connectors on the motherboard the poke through the back of the case
  • Punch metal plate is referred to as back plate of the computer case
  • Two types of power supply, AT and ATX
  • AT i- its older style, it held away from the early days of the PC but they rarely use now
  • Most modern PCs use a n ATX power supply
  • Power connection - power supplies must plug into power outlet
  • Motherboard power - there must be some connection to provide power to the motherboard
  • Peripheral Connections - there must be connectors to rpvide power to internal devices
  • Fan - this critical component both cools the inside of the power supply and provides a cooling airflow throughout the case
  • Power Supply is rated in watts
  • Watt - is the standard measurement unit of power, or energy/time
  • A PC requires sufficient wattage for the machine to run properly
  • If it doesn't receive the necessary amount, several problems occur:
    • The PC will fail to complete the power on self test
    • The PC will complete the POST but will fail to load the operating system
    • The PC will complete the POST and load but it will reboot spontaneously once the load is applied to the CPU or other hardware
  • 400 Watts power supply is very common wattage
  • The power supply fan provides the basic cooling for the PC
  • Power supply fans - it also provides a constant flow of the outside air throughout the interior of the computer case
  • Cooling is therefore a vital consideration when building a computer
  • Electricity equals heat
  • CPU - generates the greatest amount of heat
  • Hard drives and memory are susceptible to damage from extreme heat as well
  • Case fans - are large, square fans that snap into a special bracket on the case, providing extra cooling for key components
  • Molex connector - which easy to plug in
  • Drive Bays - cases equipped with special areas to hold storage drives
  • there two types of bays
    • external and internal
  • external bays
    • have opening that enable them to be accessed from outside the case
    • exp; floppy disk drives and CD-ROM
    • two widths - 3.5 and 5.25 inches
  • Internal bays - are used for components like hard drive that you don't need to access once they're installed
  • Internal bays - is concealed entirely within the system unit