
Cards (25)

  • How do stable ecosystems persist over time?
    They remain unchanged for long periods
  • How long has the Borneo lowland rainforest existed?
    About 140 million years
  • What can disrupt stabilizing ecosystems?
    Disruptions may alter ecosystem stability
  • What is needed for an ecosystem to remain stable?
    A constant energy supply and nutrient cycling
  • What are the cycles that contribute to nutrient cycling?
    Carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus cycles
  • Why is genetic variation important for species survival?
    It helps survive selective pressures
  • What climate factors contribute to ecosystem stability?
    Temperature and precipitation
  • How does poaching affect ecosystems?
    It alters species diversity
  • What is eutrophication?
    Excess nutrients causing algae blooms
  • How does climate change disrupt ecosystems?
    It affects sensitive ecosystems like coral reefs
  • What is a tipping point in an ecosystem?
    A level of disturbance causing irreversible change
  • What are positive feedback loops in ecosystems?
    Processes that amplify changes in ecosystems
  • How does deforestation affect transpiration in the Amazon rainforest?
    It reduces the number of trees, decreasing transpiration
  • What happens when drought occurs in an ecosystem?
    It can lead to increased fires
  • What are mesocosms?
    Miniature ecosystems for controlled experiments
  • Why are closed systems preferred in mesocosm experiments?
    They illustrate nutrient cycling effectively
  • What is a disadvantage of mesocosms?
    They cannot replicate all natural factors
  • What is a keystone species?
    An organism with a disproportionate effect on its community
  • What happens when a keystone species is removed?
    The entire ecosystem may collapse
  • What was the focus of Paine's sea star experiment?
    The effect of sea stars on ecosystem stability
  • What happened to the ecosystem when sea stars were removed in Paine's experiment?
    Mollusks dominated, crowding out other organisms
  • What term do biologists prefer over "starfish"?
  • What are the key factors affecting ecosystem stability?
    • Constant energy supply (e.g., from the Sun)
    • Nutrient cycling (carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus)
    • Genetic variation within species
    • Relatively stable climate (temperature, precipitation)
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of using mesocosms in ecological studies?
    • Controlled experiments
    • Easier to replicate
    • Isolate specific variables

    • Cannot replicate all natural factors
    • Limited by artificial conditions
  • What is the significance of keystone species in ecosystems?
    • Disproportionate impact on community structure
    • Removal can lead to ecosystem collapse
    • Essential for maintaining biodiversity