Cards (4)

  • wetlands: an area with soil submerged/saturated in water; wetlands have plants adapted to living with roots submerged in standing water
  • Ecosystem services provided by wetlands:
    • Provisioning: habitat for animals/plants
    • Regulating: groundwater recharge, absorption of floodwater, carbon dioxide sequestration
    • Supporting: pollinator habitats, nutrient cycling, pest control
    • Cultural: tourism revenue, fishing licence, camping fees, medical research
  • Threats to wetlands:
    • Pollutants: nutrients (nitrogen/phosphorus), sediment, motor oil, pesticides, endocrine disruptors
    • Development: wetlands can be filled in or drained to be developed into homes, parking lots, stores, agricultural land
    • Water diversion upstream for flood control, agriculture, drinking water can reduce water flow and dry up wetlands
    • Dam construction for flood control/ hydroelectric reduces water and sediment flow to wetlands
    • Overfishing: disrupts food web of wetlands (decrease in fish predators, increase in prey)
  • Solutions to watershed pollutants:
    • Riparian buffers: planting reeds/weeds to filter pollutants
    • Septic tank upgrade
    • manure management