X-rayintensityvariesrapidly with changes in kilovolt peak (kVp).
The change in x-ray intensity is proportional to the square of the of the kVp; in other words, if kVp were doubled, the x-rayintensity would increase by a factor of 4.
X-rayintensity is proportional to kVp².
Radiographic techniquefactors must be selected from a relativelynarrowrange of values, from approximately 50 to 120 kVp.
Theoretically, doubling the x-rayintensity by kVpmanipulationalonerequires an increase of 40% in kVp.
In practice, a slightlydifferentsituation prevails.
As kVp is increased, the penetrability of the x-raybeam is increased, and relatively fewerx-rays are absorbed in the patient.
More x-rays are transmitted through the patient and interact with the image receptor.
To maintain a constantexposure of the imagereceptor, an increase of 15% in kVp should be accompanied by a reduction of one half in mAs.
Such an increase in kVp results in doublingx-rayintensity.
Increasing kVp and reducing mAs so that image receptor exposure remains constant reduces patient radiation dose significantly.
The disadvantage of such a techniqueadjustment is reduced image contrast when screen-film is the image receptor.
There is little change in imagecontrast when using digital image receptors.
X-rayintensity is inverselyproportional to the square of the distance from the source.
When SID is increased, mAs must be increased by SID² to maintainconstant exposure to the image receptor.
Compensating for a change in SID by changingmAs by the factorSID² is known as the square law, a corollary to the inverse square law.