Compatibility of Science and Religion

Cards (9)

  • Why is Polkinghorne important in the discussion of science and religion?
    He is a prominent and leading voice explaining the relationship between the two
  • What did Polkinghorne teach and where?
    Mathematical physics at Cambridge
  • What is Polkinghorne's book called?
    Science and Creation: The search for understanding
  • What does Polkinghorne say motivates physicists and religious people alike?
    “It is the desire to understand the world that motivates those who work in fundamental physics. A similar desire is part of the inspiration for the religious quest” 
  • What does Polkinghorne say about evolution?
    “It is far too easy for those who dismiss religion to suggest that evolution explains what we are?”
  • How did Paley believe we understand the world?
    Through empirical evidence
  • How did Polkinghorne believe we understand the world?
    Through science
  • How are Paley and Polkinghorne similar?
    Both Anglican clergy, mathematicians who taught at Cambridge
  • What is the Anthropic Principle?
    The belief that there is a restrictive lower bound on how statistically probable our observations of the universe are