Eysenck's criminal personality

Cards (7)

  • What is psychoticism?
    Showing aggressive behaviour both physically and verbally, anti-social and lacking in empathy
  • What is extraversion?
    People who are more outgoing and not afraid to try new challenges
  • What is neuroticism?
    People who see the world in a negative light and are easily upset, tend to lack stability
  • How many criminals and non-criminals did Eysenck assess?
    2070 male prisoners
    2422 non-criminal males
  • How did criminals score on extraversion, neuroticism and psychoticism?
    Higher than the non criminals
  • What is the strength of Eysenck's criminal personality?
    • Supporting evidence
  • What are the limitations of Eysenck's criminal personality?
    • Too simplistic- adolescence take part in more reckless behaviour, does not denote criminality
    • Cultural factors- Hispanic and black offenders in maximum security prisons were less extraverted than non-offenders
    • Testability- personality cannot be reduced to a score