Division of labour - each person responsible for a small task and thus not personally responsible for the whole atrocity
Bureaucratisation - normalised the killing by making it repetitive, rule governed and a routine job. Victims dehumanised into units
Instrumental Rationality - rational, efficient methods used to achieved a goal, regardless of what the goal is
Science and Technology - railways transporting victims, to the gas that was used
Bauman1989: holocaust the product of a modern, industrialised mass production factory system. Holocaust was not the result of the breakdown of civilisation but of the very existence of modern rational, bureaucratic civilisation.
Not all genocides are a product of highly organised division of labour that allows participants to detach themselves from killing. Rwandan genocide committed by large maurauding groups
Naziideology allowed people to see some ethnic groups as sub-human and thus not to be treated according to normal standards of morality
Rationaldivision of labour may have supplied the means for the holocaust, racist ideology supplied the motivation for the holocaust to occur.