Unit 5

Cards (90)

  • Paternalism: Slaveholders saw themselves as “fathers” of slaves, had to “protect” them
  • Wage slavery: Freed slaves returned to plantations and were paid very little
  • Mexican American War: created Texas and California, adding new land caused tension
  • Compromise of 1850: created Fugitive slave act, admitted California as a state, introduced popular vote for slavery
  • Missouri Compromise: Creates a line that establishes where slave vs. free states are located, states must enter Union as pairs
  • Popular Sovereignty: Population voted whether or not to have slavery
  • Radical abolitionism: Not very popular, wanted freedom of slaves now, sometimes violent
  • William Lloyd Garrison: Abolitionist, wrote the Liberator
  • Frederick Douglass: Abolitionist, escaped slavery, wrote the Narrative Life of Frederick Douglass
  • Moderate abolitionism: Wanted the end of slavery, but slowly and with repayment for slaveholders
  • American Colonization Society: Wanted to send free African Americans to Africa
  • Cotton diplomacy: South thought that Europe would defend them in Civil War due to cotton relationship
  • Republican Party: Lincoln’s party, mainly Northern, against slavery, came from Whig party
  • Nativism: Causes racism, due to increased immigration, Manifest Destiny
  • Emancipation Proclamation: Freed slaves in Confederate states, 1863
  • Presidential Reconstruction: Land given to freed slaves during the war was given back to prewar owners, Confederate government didn't have to do much, mainly federal government
  • Radical Reconstruction: Set in place reforms which led to 14th and 15th amendment
  • Thaddeus Stevens: Pennsylvanian congressman who lead the radical republicans, advocated abolition and civil rights
  • 13th amendment: abolished slavery
  • 15th amendment: right to vote for African Americans
  • Andrew Johnson: Worst president ever, vice president to Lincoln
  • Freedman’s Bureau: Provided food, shelter, clothes, land to displaced Southerners
  • Reconstruction Acts of 1867: Outlined terms of readmission for rebel states
  • President Grant: General during war, reconstruction, removing slavery, 1870s
  • Compromise of 1877: Settled dispute over 1876 election, unwritten agreement, ended Reconstruction 
  • President Hayes: End of reconstruction, 1877-1881, civil service reform
  • Manifest destiny was the idea that America had a divine right to expand from sea to sea.
  • California Gold Rush was part of Manifest Destiny in 1849.
  • Preemption Acts passed in 1830s and 1840s made large pieces of land cheap to buy for homesteading.
  • James K Polk was elected in 1844 and big believer in Manifest Destiny. He wanted Texas and Oregon.
  • Sam Houston led a rebellion in Texas in 1934-1936. Mexico defeated them at the Alamo. Sam Houston and his army won at the Battle of Jacinto and won independence.
  • Texas wanted to be annexed by US, Mexico refused to allow this or to sell California and New Mexico and accept Rio Grande as border. Polk sent General Zachary Taylor to disputed territory and a fight broke out, beginning the Mexican American war.
  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo 1848, Mexico ceded Mexican cession for 15 million and accepted Rio Grande as border.
  • David Wilmot was a congressman who added the Wilmot Proviso amendment to an appropiations bill. It said that New territory gained by Mexican cession could have no slavery. It was voted down but showed tensions over slavery.
  • Dred Scott v Sandford (1857) ruled that African Americans were not citizens and therefore had no right to sue in federal court. The case also stated that Congress did not have power to ban slavery in territories.
  • Mexican American war positions:
    South: Slavery is constitutional right, Slave territory had been decided by Missouri Compromise
    Free Soil Movement: Northern Democrats and Whigs. Any new territories should not have slavery or black people.
    Abolitionists: No slavery anywhere because it is wrong.
    Popular Sovereignty: Each territory should vote if they want slavery. Increased tensions.
  • California and New Mexico entered as free states, causing Southerners to threaten secession.
  • Compromise of 1850, created by Henry Clay. Divided Utah and New Mexico into territories who would have popular sovereignty. California is a free state. Slave trade banned in DC and a stricter Fugitive Slave Laws. Calmed tensions a bit, but fugitive slave Laws ended up creating problems later.
  • Cultural Enclaves were areas where many immigrants of the same culture settled.
  • Nativism is a policy of protecting the interests of native born people over the interests of foreign people.