Chemicals are said to be mutagenic or carcinogenic if there is a clearcorrelationbetweenexposure and signs of cancer/mutation
Tobaccocontainsmutageniccompounds, some of which are carcinogenic
Prior to widespreadsmoking of tobacco, lungcancer was an uncommonform of cancer (as smokingratesincreased, so did the rate of lungcancer)
Chemical Mutagen - Smoking (Pt.2)
Benzopyrene (BP) is a specificcarcinogenfound in cigarettesmoke
BPbinds to a Guanine (G) which formsbonds with an Adenine (A) on the complementarystrand
Thymine(T) formsbonds with Adenine in the nextround of DNAreplication (allfuturecells will have this pointmutation)
Chemical Mutagen - Asbestos
Asbestos is the onlyknowncause of pleuralmesothelioma
Can alsocauseotherdiseases such as lungcancer and asbestosis
A rare but highlyaggressive cancer that occurs in the lining of internal organs known as the mesothelium (comes intodirectcontact with asbestosfibres)
A non-cancerousscarring of the tissue of the lungsdue to asbestosexposure.Peoplediagnosed with asbestosis have a higherchance of developingasbestos-relatedcancers (eg. lungcancer, mesothelioma)
Genes that code for proteins that stimulate the cellcycle and promotecellgrowth and proliferation
If mutationoccurs, it forms an oncogene that can causecancer
Tumor-suppressor genes
Genes that are able to slowdowncelldivision, repairDNAmistakes, or tellcells when to die (apoptosis or programmedcelldeath)
If mutationoccurs, cells can growout of control which can lead to cancer
Chromosomal Mutation: Down syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome
Mosaic Down Syndrome (Pt.1)
Exists when there are a mixture of twotypes of cells, somecontaining the usual46chromosomes and somecontaining47
Those cells with 47chromosomescontain an extrachromosome21
This occursduringearlyembryonicdevelopment and results in allproceedingcells on the samelineagepossessing47chromosomes
Mosaic Down Syndrome (Pt.2)
Accounts for onlyabout1% of allcases of Downsyndrome
Individuals with mosaicDownsyndromemay have fewercharacteristics of Downsyndrome than those with othertypes of Downsyndrome (however, broadgeneralizations are notpossible)
Cystic Fibrosis (Pt.1)
Mostcommongenetic disorder in the Caucasianpopulation
Maincause is a singlepointmutation in the cysticfibrosismembraneconductanceregulator (CFTR) protein
Mostcommonmutation is a deletion of threenucleotides that results in a loss of the aminoacidphenylalanine at the 508thposition on the protein
Cystic Fibrosis (Pt.2)
Symptoms include:
Persistentcoughing, at times with phlegm
Frequentlunginfectionsincludingpneumonia or bronchitis
Wheezing or shortness of breath
Frequentgreasy, bulkystools or difficulty with bowelmovements
Down Syndrome (Pt.1)
Caused by a nondisjunction mutation of chromosome 21 during meiosis
Results in an embryo with threecopies of chromosome21instead of two
Priorto or atconception, a pair of 21stchromosomes in either the sperm or the eggfails to separate, which leads to 47chromosomes
Down Syndrome (Pt.2)
Symptoms include:
Decreased or poormuscletone
Shortneck, with excessskin at the back of the neck