Trading blocs & WTO

Cards (12)

  • What is a trading bloc?
    Group of countries whom agree to reduce or eliminate barriers to trade that exist between them ex: USA-CANADA-MEXICO
  • What are free-trade areas?
    When countries agree to abolish trade restrictions amongst themselves, but maintain their own restrictions with other countries. Ex: Canada, Mexica, Cuba and USA
  • What is a customs union?
    Agreement between countries in which all goods produced by members are traded tariff-free. Countries agree on common tariff rates on imports from external countries. Ex: EU and UK
  • What are common markets?
    • Tariff-free trade of goods
    • Free flow of factors of production
  • What is the goal of common markets?
    Improve allocation of resources between members and lower costs of production
  • What is a Monetary union?
    Members whom share the benefits of a customs union and common market, but also establish a central bank which issues a common currency
  • What conditions are needed for a successful monetary union?
    • Free movement of labour
    • Similar trade cycles to avoid tensions
    • Mobility of finance with ability to adjust based on market conditions
    • Automatic fiscal transfers to members performing poorly
  • Benefits of trade agreements
    • Trade creation improves efficiency and generates higher income
    • Tariffs between member states are eliminated
    • A monetary union simplifies trading costs and provides pricing transparency
    • less uncertainty surrounding exchange rates
  • Costs of trade agreements
    • Trade diversion = worse global efficiency
    • Structural unemployment
    • Negative externalities of production
    • Transitioning to a monetary union can be expensive
    • Loss of sovereignity
  • What is trade liberalisation?
    process of rolling back the barriers to free trade
  • Roles of the WTO
    • It brings countries together at conferences and encourages them to reduce or eliminate protectionist trade barriers between themselves e.g. The Doha Round conferences
    • It acts as an adjudicating body in trade disputes.
  • Conflicts between trade agreements and the WTO
    • Encourages trade barriers towards non-members
    • Global inefficiency