The Central Nervous System

Cards (6)

  • What is the nervous system?
    A specialised and complex network of nerve cells in our body, which is our primary communication system
  • What are the two main function of the nervous system?
    • Collects, Processes and responds to information in the environment
    • Coordinates the working of different organs and cells in the body
  • What are the two main subsystems?
    Central Nervous System and Peripheral Nervous System (CNS + PNS)
  • What is a Neuron?
    • A basic unit of the nervous system, communicates by transmitting signals electrically and chemically
    • May vary in size but have the same structure
  • What is the Spinal Cord?
    • A tube like structure extension of the brain, connected via the brain system
    • Responsible for reflex actions
    • Passes messages from the PNS to brain
  • What is the Brain?
    • Source of our consciousness and where decision making takes place
    • Divided into two hemispheres