Circadian rhythms

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  • Biological rhythms and circadian rhythms
    • Biological rhythms - patterns of change in the body that conform to cyclical time periods, they are influenced by biological body clocks and external changes to the environment
    • Circadian rhythms - rhythms that last around 24 hours e.g. sleep/wake cycle and body temp
  • The suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN)

    • Our circadian rhythms are driven by our body clocks, found in all cells, synchronised by master circadian pacemaker - suprachiasmatic nuclei, found in hypothalamus
    • Must be constantly reset so our bodies are in synch with outside world
    • Light is primary input, setting body clock to correct time Is 'photoentrainment'
  • Sleep/wake cycle
    • SCN lies above optic chiasm - provides info from light-sensitive cells to coordinate the activity of the entire circadian system
    • Most familiar is sleep/wake system - drowsy at night and alert in day, demonstrates the effect of daylight on the sleep/wake cycle
  • Siffre's research
    • Spent extended periods in a cave to study the effects on his biological rhythms, deprived of exposure to natural light and sound
    • Resurfaced mid-September - believed it to be August
    • 6-month cave study - Texan cave
    • His free-running biological rhythm came to 25 hours - continued to fall asleep and wake up on a regular cycle
    • Our natural cycle is closer to 25 hours but is entrained by EZs
  • Ashoff and Weber's research
    • 4 weeks in WW2 bunker
    • Circaidan rhythm between 24 and 25 hours
    • Longer than expected
  • Folkard's research
    • Cave study - 3 weeks
    • Go to bed at 11:45, wake at 7:45
    • Eventually sped up clock to 22 22-hour day - only one participant could comfortably adjust
    • Kept with natural body clock of their circadian sleep/wake cycle
    • Strong-freerunning circadian rhythms can't be overridden by EZs