Cards (21)

  • Play- a literary form intended be performed on stage before an audience. It is also used to refer the script itself
  • A person who writes a play is a playwright
  • Elements of a play:
    • Theme
    • Character
    • Plot
    • Dialogue
  • Theme - it tells what the play is all about
  • Plot - it is the narrative of the play and shows how the story develops
  • Character - the actors of actresses playing specific roles in a play
  • Dialogue - the conversation between and among characters
  • One act play - a play with one act. It deals with single situation and happens in single setting
  • Act - the major division in the action of a play
  • Actor / actresses - a male or female who performs in a play
  • Blocking - the movement of an actor on stage
  • character - a personality or role an actor/actress recreates
  • climax - the point of greatest tension or transition in a play
  • conflict - the problem faced by characters in a play
  • position - the orientation of the actors to the audience
  • Denouement - the final resolution of conlfict
  • Exposition - it is found at the beginning of a play and provides background information
  • props - items carried on stage by an actor
  • scene - signals change in location or the entrance of a new character.
  • stage direction - instruction on how the play is to be acted out.
  • volume - the degree of loudness or intensity of a voice