In order to leave the majority, an individual will have to fundamentally change their view or opinion on something to meet the minority.
Diachronic - An individual in the minority who has kept the same belief over time is more likely to persuade the majority to convert
Synchronic - Multiple individuals within the minority share the same belief, therefore strengthening it
Influence is stronger when individuals in the minority show dedication and draw attention to their position e.g. by making personal sacrifices - the minority is not acting out of self-interest - “Augmentation Principle”
Nemeth - Not showing a degree of flexibility can be off-putting to the majority. Minority should accept reasonable counter-arguments and adapt their position accordingly.
Explaining the process of change
Snowball effect - As more people convert to the views of the minority, the faster the rate of conversion.
R+ - Moscovici et al
Blue/green slide study
Consistent minority opinion greater effect on changing the view of the majority than an inconsistent minority opinion