law and justice AO1

Cards (15)

  • def of justice - fair and reasonable treatment of people
  • chaim perelman - 6 meanings of justice
  • formal justice - how procedures within legal institutions create fairness
  • substantiatitive justice - how the law itself achieves fairness
  • distrubititive justice - how law ensures a fair allocation of resources amound society
  • corrective justice - how law deals with wrong doing
  • natural law - law derives from god and nature
  • aristotle - law is just if it is law that comes from god as this makes it moral
  • utilitarianism - law is just if it maximises the sum total of happiness for the greates number of people - bentham
  • positivism - law is valid if it is made by parliment - hart - austin
  • rawls -by opperating under a viel of ignorance everyone can be equal and have equal rights
  • dicey - rule of law - no one can be punished without law - no person is above the law - judicial decisions protect the right of citizens
  • plato - government is a slave to the law
  • aristotle - the rule of law is prefferable to that of any individual
  • entick v carrington - judiciary asserted its independance and ruled against the state