Ainsworth & Bell

Cards (8)

  • What was the aim?
    • To investigate attachment using strange situations and whether child would use mother as a secure base to explore
  • What was the method and sample?
    • Controlled observation through one way mirror as they participated in strange situations
    • 56 participants whose families were white/middle class
    • Contacted through paediatricians in office
  • Describe the 8 episodes
    1: Mum (M) carries baby (B) into room w/ observer who leaves
    2: M put b in specific spot and sat quiet in chair, only ppting if b want attention
    3: Stranger (S) enter, sat, spoke with m, approached b w/ toy
    4: M leaves room. If child inactive, stranger interests with toys. If distress, s comforts them.
    • Can‘t comfort = cut short
    5: M entered. S left. Once b interested in play, m goes saying bye bye
    6: B alone
    • Distressed = cut short
    7: S enters and behaves like ep 4 for 3 mins, unless b distress
    8: S left/m returned. Reunion observed = terminated.
  • PROCEDURE: What was the inter-rater reliability?
    • Inter-rater reliability rate between 2 observers 99% concordance rate
  • PROCEDURE: How was exploratory behaviour measured?
    • Exploratory behaviour (locomotor, manipulatory, crying) measured through giving 1 score for each 15 second interval it happened.
    • Max score of 12 per episode
    e.g if cried twice, 2 score (2 diff 15 second intervals)
  • PROCEDURE: How were attachment behaviours measured?
    Attachment behaviours by using a 7-point rating scale depending on intensity. Included:
    • Contact seeking behaviours (Directed cries, Reaching/leaning, Approaching/climbing up)
    • Contact maintaining behaviours (Holding on/resisting release, vocal protest of release if contact lost)
    • Interaction avoiding (Ignoring/looking away from adult that isnt mother)
    • Interaction resisting (Anger/ pushing/ kicking away adult that isnt mother that interacts)
    • Searching (looking at empty mother chair, following mother to door, banging on door)
  • What were the results?
    • Used mother as secure base to explore the strange situation. Once gone, exploratory behaviour decreased
    • Crying increased in ep 4 and 6 but not with stranger entering in 7, suggesting absence of mother causes distress
    • 52 cried/searched when alone
    • Contact-maintaining increased in first reunion (5) and even more in ep 8.
    o   Less to stranger than mother
    • In reunion episode, some baby resisted contact with mother
  • What were the conclusions?
    • Absence of mother lowers exploration of strange situations
    • There are individual differences in attachment quality
    • Attachment behaviours increase in threatening situations