
Subdecks (6)

Cards (17)

  • The Formula for Speed is V = d/t
    V = Speed (ms^-1)
    d = Distance (m)
    t = Time (seconds)
  • The Formula for Displacement is s = Vt
    s = Displacement (m)
    V = Velocity (ms^-1)
    t = Time (Seconds)
  • The Formula to work out the potential energy of an object is Ep = mgh
    m = Mass (kg)
    g = Gravitational Field Strength (Nkg^-1)
    h = Height (m)
  • The gravitational field strength on the surface of Mars is about half that on the surface of Earth
  • The gravitational field strength on the surface of Venus is about twice that on the surface of Earth
  • Gravity is a force which pulls objects together due to their mass
  • The gravitational field strength decreases with increasing altitude above the surface of the planet
  • The less Massive an object is, the more the force of air resistance slows the object down as it falls.