
Cards (12)

  • A Gamete is a sex cell that contains half the number of chromosomes as a normal cell.
  • Haploid means having one set of chromosomes.
  • Sperm Cells are specialised for reproduction and have a long tail to help them swim.
  • Egg Cells are called Ova and are produced in the ovaries.
  • Pollen is the male gamete of a plant. It is the only part of the plant that is capable of fertilizing an egg.
  • Ovules are the female gamete and are the female reproductive structures of a plant
  • The Testes are located in the scrotum and produce sperm.
  • An Ovary is a female reproductive organ that produces eggs and hormones.
  • The Anther is the part of the stamen that contains the pollen. It is the part of the stamen that is attached to the filament.
  • Fertilisation is the process where sperm and egg cells fuse to form a zygote
  • A Zygote is formed when two haploid gametes (egg cell & sperm) join together during sexual reproduction.
  • An Embryo is a developing organism from the fertilized egg.