
Cards (33)

  • Loam is a textural class wherein sand, silt and clay are in almost equal proportion in a soil mass.
  • Sand has particles that range from 0.2 to 2 mm in diameter
  • Clay - the finest of the soil separates which, as a result have very large surface area giving them tremendous capacity to hold water and nutrients
  • Sand is gritty - Soil texture refers to the coarseness pr fineness of a soil
  • Stoke - the physicist who formulated the law governing the rate of settling of particles in a viscous medium
  • 5 - In the color munsell notation 10R 2/5, the chroma is
  • Rice - A structureless soil as a result pf pudding is detrimental to the growth pf most upland crops but is beneficial to
  • Soil Tilth - The physical state of the soil as it relates to plant growth known as soil
  • Porespace - A portion of the soil volume occupied by air and water
  • Soil Depth - The bulk density of a soil increases
  • Percolation - The downward movement of water through the soil located between the root zone and the capillary fringe of the permanent groundwater table
  • Electrical Resistance Block - An instrument made of porous gypsum suitably embedded with electrodes when placed in moist soil, the fine pores of the instrument absorb water in proportion to the soil water resistance
  • Infiltration Rate - The amount of water that enters the soil per unit time per unit surface area
  • Hydraulic Conductivity - The rate at which water moves through a given area under specified conditions
  • Water Holding Capacity (WHC) - The ability of a soil to retain moisture against gravitational pull
  • Saturated Water Content - The weight of water held by a soil when all pore spaces are filled with water
  • Field Capacity - The maximum amount of water retained by a soil at any given pressure head
  • Capillarity - The upward movement of water from the lower part of the soil profile to the upper part against gravity
  • Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity (Ksat) - The maximum hydraulic conductivity of a soil
  • Field Capacity - The maximum amount of water retained by a soil after excess water has drained away from it
  • Permanent Wilting Point - The point where plants can no longer extract enough water from the soil to meet their needs
  • Saturated Water Content - The amount of water held by a soil when all pore spaces are filled with water
  • Permanent Wilting Point - The minimum point on the soil-moisture curve where plants can no longer extract enough water to meet their needs
  • Soil Moisture Deficit - The difference between field capacity and permanent wilting point
  • Permanent Wilting Point - The minimum point on the soil-water curve where plants can no longer extract enough water from the soil to meet their needs
  • Porosity - The ratio of void space to total volume of soil
  • Soil Moisture Tension - A measure of the force exerted by plant roots as they draw water out of the soil
  • Soil Texture - A measure of the relative proportions of sand, silt, and clay particles in a soil
  • Volumetric Water Content - The ratio of the volume of water present in a soil sample to the total volume of the sample
  • Particle Size Distribution - The proportion of different size fractions present in a sample of soil
  • Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity (Kunsat) - The hydraulic conductivity of a soil below field capacity but above permanent wilting point
  • Permanent Wilting Point - The lowest level of soil moisture content where plants can no longer extract enough water to meet their needs
  • Field Capacity - Occurs when the porspaces are filled with water or at its maximum water holding capacity