Anxiety creates physiological arousal in the body which prevents us from paying attention to important cues so recall is worse. One approach to study EWT and A looks at effects of weapons on accuracy of recall on witness
Cutshall and Yuille conducted research on real life shooting in gun shop in Canada. Shop owner shot thief dead and there were 21 witnesses where 13 agreed to take part in interviews 4-5 months after incident
Their accuracy was determined by the number of details reported. Witnesses also asked to rate their stress levels using a 7 point scale and asked if they had emotional problems
Witnesses were very accurate in their accounts and little change in their details. Some details were less accurate like age/height/weight. Pts with high stress levels were more accurate. 85% to 75% of non-stressed groups
Applied Yerkes-Dodson Law to EWT. When anxiety increases, memory increases. However, when person reaches optimal level of anxiety and eyewitness experiences any more than this stress, recall of event suffers a drastic decline