Conducted an exp using scissors, handgun, wallet or raw chicken. Held items in hairdressing salon. Eyewitness accuracy was poorer in high unusualness conditions (chicken and handgun)
Researchers usually interview real-life eyewitnesses some time after event. Lots of things happen in between this period where researcher has no control- discussions with other people. These extraneous variables may reduce accuracy of recall and effects of anxiety may be overwhelmed
Creating anxiety in ppts is risky because it may subject ppts to psychological harm purely for purpose of research. This is why real-life studies are beneficial -interviewing people who already experienced event
Anxiety is very difficult to define and measure accurately. One reason is that it has many elements cognitive,behavioural,emotional and physical. Inverted U explanation only covers one of these is linked to poor performance- physiological arousal
Demand characteristics operate in lab studies of anxiety
Most lab studies show ppts a filme crime. Most of these ppts will be aware they are watching a filmed crime for a reason to do with the study. Chances are most ppts would have figured out they will be asked questions about what they have seen