Systematic desensitisation (SD)

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    • what is it?
      • behavioural therapy designed to gradually reduce phobic anxiety through classical conditioning
      • a new response is learned - phobic stimulus is paired with relaxation rather than anxiety (counterconditioning)
      • you cannot be afraid and relaxed at the same time - one emotion prevents the other - reciprocal inhibition
    • three processes
      1. anxiety hierarchy - list of situations that provoke anxiety in order of least to most frightening
      2. relaxation - patient is taught to relax as deeply as possible - cannot feel afraid and relaxed at the same time - reciprocal inhibition - may learn meditation or use drugs (valium/betablockers)
      3. exposure - exposed to phobic stimulus when in a relaxed state - takes place over several therapy sessions starting at the bottom of the anxiety hierarchy - when patient can stay relaxed in the presence of the lower levels then they move up the hierarchy
    • strength
      • evidence that SD is an effective treatment for phobias
      • Gilroy et al (2003) studied 42 arachnophobic patients who had received three 45 minute sessions of SD - these patients were compared to a control group who were taught relaxation techniques but did not experience exposure - at both 3 and 33 months after the treatment ended, the SD group were less fearful than the control group
      • suggests that effects of SD are long lasting
    • strength
      • can help people with a learning disability
      • they can often struggle with cognitive therapies that require complex rational thoughts.
      • they may also feel confused and distressed by the traumatic experience of flooding
      • SD is the most appropriate treatment for those who need additional support and care
    • weakness
      • SD isn't effective at treating all phobias
      • Ohman et al (1975) found that SD isn't as effective at treating phobias that have an underlying evolutionary survival component (e.g. fear of snakes, rats, heights)
      • most effective at treating phobias that have been acquired through a traumatic experience/incident