Stats and Reporting

Cards (5)

  • Media over-represent violent and sexual crime 
    → Ditton and Duffy 1983: 46% of media reports about violent or sexual crimes yet 3% of official statistics 
    → Marsh 1991: American media, violent crime 36X more likely reported than property crimes 
  • Media portrays criminals and victims as older and more middle class 
    Felson 1998: criminals older and more middle class example of ‘age fallacy’ 
  • Media exaggerate the risk of victimisation 
    Especially to women, white people and higher status people
  • Crime reported as a series of separate events 
    --> Without structure and without examining underlying causes
  • Felson 1998: ‘dramatic fallacy’ and criminals appear daring and clever → ‘Ingenuity fallacy’Media overplay extraordinary crimes