Moral Panic

Subdecks (2)

Cards (12)

  • Moral Panic: an exaggerated over-reaction by society to a perceived problem, usually driven by the media
  • Moral Panic
    1. Media identifies a folk devil 
    2. Media presents the group in a negative, stereotypical fashion and exaggerate the scale 
    3. Moral entrepreneurs and control agencies condemn the group
  • Mods and Rockers - Cohen 1972
    Mods: smart dress, rode scooters 
    Rockers: leather jackets and motorbikes
    Media’s inventory of what occurred: 
    1. Exaggeration and Distortion (headlines such as Day of Terror by Scooter Gangs) 
    2. Prediction 
    3. Symbolisation (negatively labelled and permanently associated with deviance)