Cards (6)

  • Authority - a form of power where people willingly obey commands because they believe that they are lawful
  • Key study: Weber
  • Three types of authority:
    1. Rational (legal) authority
    2. Traditional authority
    3. Charismatic authority
  • Rational (legal) authority:
    • rule based and formal
    • has been compared to the military
    • military orders are issued and they have to be followed
    • failure to obey these orders can result in sanctions
  • Traditional authority:
    • based on custom and tradition - monarchy and aristocracy in British society
    • it is a hereditary system (given through ascribed status), based on inheritance
    • even though the power of aristocracy in Britain is more limited than it was - it is still a feature of the political system
    • the Prime Minister has to brief the monarch
    • some of the Prime Minister's power to make certain decisions comes from the monarchs
  • Charismatic authority:
    • the quality of an individual's personality e.g. Jesus, Hitler
    • leads people to having complete faith in them
    • often informal
    • the qualities may not be used with good intentions