Today, every nation in the world claims to be democratic, but in reality, very few nations in the world have democracy that protects the rights and freedom of people and gives priority to the welfare of people.
Terrorism in India is a complex problem that requires a multi-pronged approach, including law enforcement, intelligence gathering, and community engagement.
Measures to control corruption can include strengthening anti-corruption laws, increasing transparency in government decision-making, and promoting public awareness.
Inclusion of all social components, autonomy to social institutions, empowerment of citizens, protection of human values need to be adopted for real cultivation of democracy.
Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, Gram Samruddhi Yojana, Self-help Groups, Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme and such other projects are undertaken at the level of Government and Administration.
Freedom, equality, fraternity and justice, peace, development and humanitarianism are the values that should be practiced at all levels of the society.
To make democracy more meaningful, the government of India decentralised power and adopted the policy of reservation for women and weaker sections of the society.
Political parties often give candidature to people with a criminal background, facing criminal allegations, and allegations of corruption, which increases the role of money and muscle power in politics and may lead to violence during elections.
Indian democracy faces other social challenges such as unemployment, unequal distribution of resources, increasing gap between rich and poor, caste-based issues, which need to be resolved.
Judiciary in India is seen to be making conscious efforts to make political process transparent to prevent criminalisation of politics, and has adopted measures like strict punishment.
Family monopoly in politics is a major problem before democracy in India and monopoly of just one family in politics reduces democratic space, making it difficult for common people to participate in the public sector.
Increased participation of criminals in politics and prohibiting criminals from participating in political process are measures to combat criminalisation of politics.
Democracy aims at the welfare of majority of people and when the importance is given to majority, it is possible that injustice may be done to those who are marginal and who are in minority.
In a democratic government, everyone’s opinion should be considered important and majority government should not be the government of majority community.