In 1944, a trio of scientists Oswald Avery, Mclyn McCarty and Colin McLeod proved that except viruses, all living organisms have DNA as genetic material.
In 1961, the French geneticists Francois Jacob and Jack Monod proposed a model for process of protein synthesis with the help of DNA in bacterial cells.
The science of heredity is useful for diagnosis, treatment and prevention of hereditary disorders, production of hybrid varieties of animals and plants and in industrial processes in which microbes are used.
Transcription, Translation and Translocation are the three processes in which RNA, the genes present in the form of DNA participate in the functioning of cell and thereby control the structure and functioning of the body.
Morphological evidences of evolution include similarities in structure of mouth, position of eyes, structure of nostrils and ear pinnae, and thickly distributed hairs on body in animals and plants.