Ecosystem is formed by biotic and abiotic factors and their interactions with each other.
Each factor plays a very important role in the ecosystem.
Producers like plants are important in the ecosystem.
Herbivores like deer, goats, sheep, cattle, horses, camels, etc feeding upon producers are also important in the ecosystem.
Predators like lion and tiger which prevent the overpopulation of herbivores are also equally important in the ecosystem.
Caterpillars found in nature, organisms present in filthy places, termites, insects present in dung, are also important in the ecosystem as they are responsible for cleaning the environment.
Our existence is due to these factors present around us.
Abiotic components of the ecosystem include Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Calcium, Iron, Sodium, Potassium.
Biotic components of the ecosystem include proteins, carbohydrates, fats.
Ecosystem includes air, water, vapour, minerals, soil, sunlight.
Inorganic substances are physical factors in the ecosystem.
Tertiary consumers are animals in the food chain.
A bird building nest on a tree feeding upon the fishes in nearby pond is part of both i.e. tree as well as pond ecosystem.
Paddy is cultivated on a large scale in various states of South India.
Paddy fields are frequently attacked by grasshoppers.
Frogs are also present in large number in the mud of paddy fields, to feed upon grasshoppers.
Environmental Conservation is the responsibility of every human being.
Thousands of people have been affected for long term due to these accidents.
Chernobyl, Windscale, and Three Miles Island mishaps are the major mishaps of the world till present.
Ultimate adverse effect of all these is on existence of all the living organisms and environmental conservation has become the need of hour.
Environmental balance is maintained through continuous operation of various natural cycles like water cycle, carbon cycle, gaseous cycles like nitrogen cycle, oxygen cycle, etc.
It is the basic responsibility of human being to preserve the nature without disturbing its balance.
UV and IR radiations are natural radiations whereas X-rays and radiations from atomic energy plants are artificial radiations.
Environment consists of many ecosystems.
Radioactive pollution can occur due to two reasons as natural and artificial.
Some of the effects of radiations are as follows- Cancerous ulceration occurs due to higher radiations of X-rays.
The basic functional unit used to study ecology is called an ecosystem.
Some ecosystems have been studied in earlier classes, for example, a small pond is an ecosystem whereas the Earth is the largest ecosystem.
Human existence is totally impossible without the existence of nature.
Environmental pollution is one of the main factors responsible for environmental imbalance.
Environmental balance is also maintained due to various food chains of ecosystem.
Ecology is the science that deals with the study of interactions between biotic and abiotic factors of the environment.
Pollution is a broad concept that includes various types of pollutions like that of air, water, sound, soil, thermal, light, pollution.
Snakes are also present in paddy fields to feed upon their favourite food- frogs.
Environment is a broad concept including physical, chemical and biological factors affecting the living organisms in any possible way.
Natural environment consists of air, atmosphere, water, land, living organisms, etc.
Continuous interactions occur between biotic and abiotic factors in the natural environment.
Artificial environment is also affecting the natural environment directly or indirectly.
Environment consists of two basic factors- biotic factors and abiotic factors.
Tissues in the body are destroyed due to pollution.