Elders always instruct you to get out of the home to interact with relatives and others and play outdoor games but not to spend time continuously with television, phone and internet.
To maintain a good atmosphere in a home with a chronically ill older person, it's important to create a safe and comfortable environment, provide support and assistance, and foster a positive relationship between the caregiver and the older adult.
Changes in a home having a chronically ill older person include changes in the physical environment, changes in the caregiver's role, and changes in the relationship between the caregiver and the older adult.
Various factors affecting the social health in a residential area include changes in the physical environment, changes in the caregiver's role, and changes in the relationship between the caregiver and the older adult.
Various factors like strong personality, having large number of friends and relatives, proper use of time during loneliness and with peer-group, trust in others, respect and acceptance for others are important for good social health.
Children in their early age try upon tobacco, cigarette, gutkha, alcoholic drinks, drugs, etc due to either peer-group pressure or symbol of high standard living or as an imitation of elders.
Ignorance towards the peoples suffering from chronic diseases like AIDS, T.B, Leprosy and Mental health / disorders and old persons leads to increase old age homes and this may cause harm to social health.
Stress management includes various ways of expression like establishing communication with friends, peers, cousins, teachers and more importantly parents, noting down our feelings, expressing our feeling with near and dear ones.
Crimes like opening a fake account on Facebook and displaying false information and thereby teasing the girls or exploiting them financially are examples of cyber crime.
Cyber crime unit has been newly launched in police department, cyber crime experts collect the details, investigate the cyber crime and thereby find the criminal with the help of internet.
Banks continuously spread the message on mobile phones about not to disclose the aadhar / PAN / credit card / debit card number and other personal information if demanded by any person.
Fostering the hobbies like material collection, photography, reading, cooking, sculpturing, drawing, rangoli, dancing, etc help us to properly utilize the free hours.
Confidential information about government, institutes and companies is obtained from internet with the help of computer programs or other ideas and misused, this is called as hacking of information.
IT Act-2000 has been enacted since 17th October 2000 and been amended in 2008, person committing the cyber crime has to face the punishment like imprisonment for 3 years of fine up to 5 lakh.
Exchange of information through media like email, Facebook and Whatsapp occurs very fast, however, our personal information and phone numbers are automatically spread and thereby reaches the unwanted persons which leads to malpractices like incoming of unnecessary messages.
Persons indulging in domestic violence, sending messages to others before committing suicide or those who send the video clips of suicidal act are mentally ill and they do so to win the sympathy.