Disaster Management

Cards (146)

  • Disasters are various dangerous events that occur in the environment, such as floods, wet and dry famine, cyclones, earthquakes, volcanoes, etc.
  • These disasters cause sudden changes in the environment and damage to it.
  • Environmental damage occurs due to the use of natural resources for development.
  • Disasters can be man-made or natural, and can cause long-term effects on society, affecting various areas of life like economic, social, cultural, political, law and administration.
  • Disasters can vary in duration, reasons, and the component of the environment they affect more.
  • Disasters can be classified as catastrophic disasters, such as cyclones in Odisha, catastrophic earthquakes of Gujarat and Latur, frequently buzzing cyclones in coastal Andhra Pradesh, etc.
  • Disasters making the impact for long duration are those whose after-effects are either severe or severity increases with time, such as famine, various problems of crop, strikes of workers, rising levels of oceans, desertification, etc.
  • Disasters can be observed in various places, and their effects can be discussed in class.
  • Disasters can be prevented by taking precautions, such as first aid and emergency action, mock drills, and preparing for mock drills.
  • Disasters can be managed by understanding their nature and extent, providing first aid and emergency action, conducting mock drills, and preparing for mock drills.
  • The nature and extent of disaster can be understood by studying the effects of various types of disasters and the precautionary measures to be taken in case any disaster happens.
  • Disasters can be classified as geophysical, biological, and man-made disasters, each with their own unique characteristics.
  • Geological disasters include earthquake, volcano, tsunami, land-slides, land-fall, erosion, alkalization, flooding, etc.
  • Personnel of National Disaster Response Force have substantial contribution in rescue work in disasters like cyclones, cliff-sliding, building collapse, etc.
  • National Disaster Response Force has been established as per the Disaster management Act, 2005 with 12 divisions working in the country.
  • District control unit reviews about various aspects of disaster, keeps continuous contact with various agencies like army, air force, navy, telecommunication department, paramilitary forces, etc.
  • Mock drill by fire fighters under the disaster management scheme in your school?
  • International organizations like United Nations Disaster Relief Organization, United Nations Centre for Human Settlements, Asian Disaster Reduction Centre, Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre, World Health Organization, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization work for disaster management.
  • District collector is responsible for designing schemes for each district, separately for each type of disaster and getting those sanctioned from state-level authorities.
  • In Maharashtra, National Disaster Response Force is in action through State Reserve Police Force.
  • District control unit is also responsible for coordinating with various voluntary organizations for their help in disaster management.
  • Various disasters like accidents, stampede, injuries in fighting, electric shock, burns, heat shock, snake bite, dog bite, fire due to electric short circuit, epidemic of any disease, etc. happen around us.
  • Victims of disaster need to be offered some primary help before actual medical treatment.
  • District-wise Disaster Control Unit is established immediately either after the impact of disaster or getting intimation about it.
  • First aid is useful in such circumstances.
  • The necessary material in first aid box includes bandage strips of different size, wound gauze, triangular and circular bandage, medicated cotton, hand gloves, clean and dry cloth pieces, soap, antiseptic (Dettol/ Savlon), safety pins, blade, small pins, needle.
  • In emergency condition, various transportation methods like cradle method, carrying on back, carrying on two hands are to be followed.
  • The material necessary for first aid is available in the first aid kit.
  • The headquarters of National Disaster Response Force is in Delhi and it is in action all over the country with the help of army.
  • It is also important to use whatever the material available in the given condition for first aid.
  • It is essential to have material necessary for first aid with us.
  • Plant disasters include forest fire, fungal disease spreading, weed, (aquatic, carrot grass, common grass), unknown poisonous gases.
  • Atomic test is a type of man-made disaster.
  • Unplanned action, accident, international war, fire, bomb blast, forced migration, terrorism, rapes, child labour are types of man-made disasters.
  • Different problems occur with disasters in the concept map, including partial or complete collapsing of buildings, drying out of water sources, contamination of water, stinky pollution of environment due to decomposing corpses of humans and other animals, injuries, emotional/mental stress, increase in epidemics, and death of victims.
  • Sudden increase in fund expenditure, shortage of funds for development of other sectors, decrease in productivity are the effects of disaster on social and political aspects.
  • Generally, different institutes offer the monetary and other type of help to such people, which helps to soothe the mental stress at the earliest if these victims are offered with the permanent means of earning livelihood and this is true rehabilitation.
  • All the concerned departments are affected by disaster and thereby the entire system collapses.
  • Forest fire is a disaster that adversely affects the environment.
  • Environmental, medical, economic, administrative, and professional effects of disaster include stress on workers, collapsing of transport system, shortage of facilities, etc.