Science Terminology

Cards (33)

  • Longitudinal wave- a compression wave in which the particles of the medium oscillate to-and-fro along the axis of energy transfer.
  • Mechanical wave- a wave form in which the particles of the medium oscillate in order to transmit the energy.
  • Medium- The material space in which a wave travel
  • Sonar- Acronym for sound navigation and ranging; a technique in which reflected sound waves are used to measure distance.
  • Spectrum- A range of frequencies or wavelengths
  • Vibration- An oscillation or shaking motion (a to-and-fro)
  • Acceleration- A type of motion in which the speed continues to increase (unit=m/s^2)
  • Deceleration- A type of motion in which the speed continues to decrease (unit=m/s^2)
  • Force- A push, pull or twist that changes the motion or shape of an object on which it acts (unit=newton, N)
  • Friction- A force that opposes motion when surfaces move over each other.
  • Mass- The amount of speed in a fixed direction (unit m/s)
  • Weight- A force acting on a body due to gravity (unit=newton, N)
  • Battery- A portable electrical source consisting of a number of electrical cells in series
  • Current- The flow of electric charge (measured in ampsz0
  • Electric cell- A device that produces electrical energy by chemical reactions
  • Resistance- A property of a conductor that restricts current flow (measured in ohms)
  • Resistor- A device that exhibits resistance to the flow of current
  • Voltage- The electrical pressure that causes currents to flow.
  • Converge- To come together
  • Diverge- To spread apart
  • Opaque- Describes a material that does not allow light to pass through it.
  • Transmission- Passage of light rays into a medium and out the other side.
  • Translucent- Describes a material that partially transmits and partially scatters light rays
  • Transparent- Describes a material that allows light to pass through it without scattering
  • Alpha particle- Radiation consisting of a positive particle composed of two protons and two neutrons.
  • Beta particle- Radiation consisting of a fast electron
  • Gamma rays- High energy electromagnetic rays
  • Fission-Splitting of large nuclei into smaller nuclei by neutron bombardment with the release of energy
  • Fusion- Joining of the nuclei of lightweight elements to form a heavier element with the release of energy
  • Radioactivity- Emission of rays and/or particles due to the decay of an unstable nucleus
  • Gravitational acceleration- The acceleration experienced by a mass in a gravitational field.
  • Mass- The amount of matter in a body
  • Weight- The force of gravity acting on a mass.