Language + texts

Cards (20)

  • Meanings: messages that are communicated + meanings vary according to text.
  • Multimodal: a text that employs more than one mode of communication.
  • Salient: most important, noteworthy.
  • Computer-mediated communication: human communication that takes place via the medium of computers.
  • Oracy: speaking + listening
  • Face Theory:
    Erving Goffman - idea that we all have a public self-image that we need to project + protect.
  • Face-threatening act - something that threatens a person’s self-image.
  • Face-work - the effort that we put in to manage our public image.
  • Negative face need - the need not to be imposed on by another person.
  • Positive face need- the need for positive reinforcement, the feeling that we are all appreciated + liked by others.
  • Subject position - perspective taken on a topic, where some aspects are foregrounded + emphasised whereas others are downplayed.
  • Modal verbs - accompany main verbs + are often used to express degrees of certainty, desirability + obligation.
  • Monostylistic - having one style of communication.
  • Possessive determiners - help determine what a name refers to e.g ownership (my,our)
  • Active voice - person/thing doing the action specified by the verb is the subject of the sentence.
  • Disjunct - an adverb that expresses a writer’s or speaker’s attitude e.g fortunately, unfortunately.
  • Noun phrase - a phrase that has a noun or pronoun as its main word.
  • Passive voice - person/thing being acted upon goes at the front.
  • Nominalization - process of timing different grammatical elements into nouns or noun phrases.
  • Colloquial - expressions are items of everyday language used in informal contexts.