Hydrogen bonds form between water molecules. The shared negativeelectrons from hydrogen and oxygen are pulled towards the oxygen atom, leaving the opposite side of the hydrogen atoms slightly positivelycharged (δ+)
In a hydrogen bond oxygen has a greater share of the electrons in the covalent bond as it is more electronegative than hydrogen. This gives it a slightnegative charge (δ-)
A polar molecule is a molecule with positive and negativeregions. For example water.
A hydrogen bond is formed when the slightlynegatively charged oxygen atoms are attracted to the slightlypositively charged hydrogen atoms of other water molecules, with a lonepair from the oxygen atom in between.
Roles of water include…
transport medium
Water‘s polarity allows it to act as a solvent...
water molecules are attracted to other polar substances
water molecules cluster around chargedsolute molecules or ions
The water attracts them, helping them to separate and stay apart, dissolving them and creating a solution
Only polar molecules and ions will dissolve in water, non-polar substances will not
Most biological reaction take place in solutions, for example the cytosol is mainly water.
Due to the combined efforts of cohesion and adhesion water exhibits capillaryaction, making it ideal for transport in processes such as transpiration.
Cohesion- the attraction between molecules of the samesubstance due to polarity. (Allows water to move as onemass)
Adhesion- the attraction between twodifferentpolarsurfaces.
Capillaryaction - the process by which water can rise up a narrowtube against the force of gravity
Capillaryaction allows water to be transported in the xylem
Solvent properties also enable the transport of dissolvedcompounds and ions into and out of the cell and around the body via the water in the blood.
What properties allow water to act as a solvent?
What properties of water allow it to act as a transport medium?
solvent (polarity)
What properties of water enable it to act as a coolant?
Highspecificheatcapacity and highlatentheat of vaporisation.
Waters highspecificheatcapacity means water can absorb and release large amounts of energy with little temperaturechange. This is due to the largeamount of energy needed to overcomehydrogenbonds. This makes water a good coolant.
Water’s highlatentheat of vaporisation means that alot of energy is used up when water evaporates (to break the hydrogen bonds), removing a lot of heat with it. For example when sweat evaporates it coolsdown the skinssurface.
Water’s highspecificheatcapasity prevents temperature fluctuations that are outside the range suitable for life.
As ice is lessdense than water it forms on the surface creating an insulatinglayer for the waterbellow stopping it from freezing. This also prevents water freezing from the bottomup.
Ice is lessdense than water as the frozenhydrogenbonds form a solidcrystal-likelattice where molecules are set at fixeddistances. This is why ice expands.Liquid hydrogen bonds are constantly being broken and reformed.
The surfacetension created by cohesion is also strong enough to support smallinsects such as pondskaters.
What properties of water allow it to act as a habitat?
density of water
highsurfacetension (cohesion)
Monomers are the smallunits from which largermolecules are made
Polymers are molecules made from a largenumber of monomers joined together in a chain
Condensation is a reaction in which monomers combine covalently to form polymers (polymerisation) or macromolecules (eg lipids) and water is removed.
Condensation equation…
monomer + monomer + monomer → polymer + 2H₂O
Condensation picture equation…
HO-🟥-H + HO-🟥-H → HO-🟥-🟥-H + H₂O
Hydrolysis is a reaction in which covalent bonds are broken when water is added
Hydrolysis equation…
polymer + 2H₂O → monomer + monomer + monomer
Hydrolysis picture equation…
HO-🟥-🟥-H + H₂O → HO-🟥-H + HO-🟥-H
Macromolecules are largemolecules.Polymers can be macromolecule, however notall macromolecules are polymers as the subunits of polymers have to be the samerepeatingunits
What elements are present in carbohydrates?
Carbon , hydrogen , and oxygen
what is the general formula of carbohydrates?
What elements are present in lipids?
Carbon , hydrogen and oxygen
what elements are present in proteins?
carbon , hydrogen , oxygen , nitrogen and sulfur
What elements are present in nucleicacids?
Carbon , hydrogen , oxygen , nitrogen and phosphorus
Monosaccharides are singlesugarmonomers , all of which are reducingsugars.
Glucose is a hexosemonosaccharide as it is composed of 6carbon atoms