tfn florence nightingale

Cards (21)

  • Nursing – the act of utilizing the environment of the patient to assist him in his recovery.
  • Environmental theory, the first published nursing theory, was published in 1860.
  • Nursing theory stresses the healing properties of the physical environment (fresh air, light, warmth, and cleanliness).
  • Nursing theory posits that health is the positive of which the pathology is the negative.
  • Nursing theory asserts that “nature alone cures”.
  • The theory basis of nursing is the inter-relationship of a healthful environment with nursing.
  • The theory goal of nursing is to help patients retain their own vitality by meeting their basic needs through control of the environment.
  • Nursing’s focus is control of the environment for individuals, families & the community.
  • Components of Florence Nightingale’s environmental theory include Health of Houses, Ventilation and Warming, Light, Personal Cleanliness, Nutrition and Taking Food, Noise, Variety, Bed and Bedding, Cleanliness of Rooms and Walls, Chattering Hopes and Advices, Observation of the Sick, Social Considerations, and PERSON, referred to by Nightingale as “the patient”.
  • The PERSON in Florence Nightingale’s theory is a human being acted upon by a nurse, or affected by the environment.
  • The PERSON in Florence Nightingale’s theory has reparative powers to deal with disease.
  • According to Florence Nightingale’s environmental theory, recovery is in the patient’s power as long as a safe environment exists.
  • The environment is the foundational component of Florence Nightingale’s theory.
  • The external conditions & forces that affect one’s life and development, including everything from a person’s food to a nurse’s verbal & nonverbal interactions with the patient, are included in the environment.
  • Health is maintained by using a person’s healing powers to their fullest extent, according to Florence Nightingale’s environmental theory.
  • Health is maintained by controlling the environmental factors so as to prevent disease, according to Florence Nightingale’s environmental theory.
  • Disease is viewed as a reparative process instituted by nature, according to Florence Nightingale’s environmental theory.
  • Health & disease are the focus of the nurse, according to Florence Nightingale’s environmental theory.
  • Nurses help patients through their healing process, according to Florence Nightingale’s environmental theory.
  • Nursing education belongs in the hands of nurses, according to Florence Nightingale’s environmental theory.
  • Nursing is a discipline distinct from medicine focusing on the patient’s reparative process rather than on their disease, according to Florence Nightingale’s environmental theory.