
Cards (37)

  • Respiratory System Function
    • deliver air for gas exchange
    • protect deep alveolar tissues from damage
    • vocalization
    • where appropriate contain olfactory receptors
    • marine mammals conserve water and expired air contains much less moisture than terrestrial mammalsex. dolphins expire air at 70% less saturated than land mammals
  • seals have structure in anterior nasal cavity composed bone with dense mesh → captures moisture during exhalation
  • basal structures
    • nasal tract
    • larynx
    • trachea
    • lungs
    • bronchi
    • bronchioles
    • alveoli
  • Terrestrial:
    Upper Airway
    • nasal and oral cavity connected to some degree, can chew and breathe at the same time
    • can’t breathe and swallow at the same time
    • have an epiglottis which flips open to breathe, associated muscles close the esophagus
    • to swallow it flips closed, open esophagus and closes off trachea
  • Blowhole
    • to conserve energy they open them contracting skeletal muscle, passive relaxation to keep blowhole closed
    • cetaceans have blowhole on top of the head except for Sperm whales which are more anterior and slightly to the left
    • mysticetes have 2 odontocetes have 1
  • Nares
    • Sirenians have 2 valved nostril system
    • during dive they are passively closed by anterior hinged valves
    • Pinnipeds open by contraction of muscles, relaxing this closes the openings
    • polar bears and sea otters have annular muscles surrounding nares
    • air from nares pass through a nasal cavity to the larynx
    • composed of an elongated epiglottis, cartilage, muscles
    • serves to keep air separate from food going down the esophagus
  • in terrestrial, sea otter and polar bears→ epiglottis flips open to block oral cavity while breathing occurs and flips closed to block trachea when swallowing
  • in pinnipeds → to keep water out of trachea have the epiglottis as well as 2 large throat cartilages, arytenoids lie close together and touch the posterior part of the epiglottis and powerful muscles
  • in Odontocetes→ below air sacs there is bony septum which divides the nasal passage into 2
  • Odontocete
    • left and right internal nares open into the nasopharynx
    • larynx has 2 elongated cartilages between trachea and blowhole → often called goosebeak
    • supported by large thyroid cartilage and extends through a small opening in the esophagus into the vertical nares passage which allows food to pass on either side
    • allows air from the blowhole passage to enter the trachea directly
    • in Mysticetes→ larynx- similar to other marine and land mammals but shifted orientation and extra soft tissue
    • larynx is largest of any marine mammal to support the upper airway, thyroid cartilages large
  • Hyoid Bones in Humans
    • Functions
    • hold up the tongue which sits above it
    • holds up larynx which is below it
    • transmits the force of muscle that help open the jaw
  • Hyoid Bones In pinnipeds
    • in sea lion some places are fused, shape is different
    • in harbour seals it is more separate parts, more horseshoe shape
    • Mysticeti Hyoid Bone
    • well developed in connection to the tongue muscles, very large in U shape ish
    • odontoceti Hyoid bone
    • divisible into basal portion and suspensory portion, many different bones
    • muscles that retract the hyoid apparatus or control the tongue are enlarged and suggested hat they may be important in suction feeding in some species
  • Hyoid Bones in Manatee
    • Epihyoid in two positions and two basilhyoid bone in to positions
  • In pinnipeds to keep water out of the trachea
    • 2 throat cartilages (arytenoids) lie closely together and touch posterior part of the epiglottis at beginning of trachea
    • larynx has powerful muscles to keep water out
  • Most marine mammals have tracheas composed of cartilaginous rings that completely or partially encircle it which is an adaptation for diving
    • Human trachea
    • 16-20 rings C shaped
    • Pinniped trachea
    • complete or incomplete circles and overlap dorsally
    • cetacean trachea
    • short and consists of several cartilaginous rings, generally O shaped
    • 5-7 in Belugas and Sperm whales
    • 13-15 in Fin whales
    • Dugong trachea
    • 4 rings
    • Manatee trachea
    • longer with 8-12 rings
  • Diaphragm Musculature in Pig vs Sea Otter
    • in sea otter central tendon is reduced and muscles are larger and more dense, want to ensure they have complete exhalation
    • Manatee diaphragm
    • left lateral schematic representations of the development of the diaphragm of the manatee
    • transverse septum persists in separating the heart and the liver but is not part of the diaphragm does not attach tot he sternum and thus is not pre-hepatic
    • 2 bronchi
    • tube leading to lung lobes which separate into 2 tubes and secondary and tertiary bronchi
    • bronchioles
    • smaller branching of bronchi
    • alveoli
    • microscopic compartments where gas exchange occurs
  • Marine mammal lungs are not larger when adjusted to body mass but have important differences
  • deeper diving so need flexible chest walls and other structures to allow for more complete emptying of air from alveoli during dive
  • Cetaceans
    • lungs have no lobes
    • right lung is usually larger, longer and heavier → results in heart being pushed over towards the left side
    • lungs are more rigid and elastic due to having more cartilaginous support
    • mysticete lung is smaller than odontocete
    • relatively lower lung volume than terrestrial
    • small residual lung volumesless air left in lungs after exhalation
    • advantages of cetacean respiratory system is based on its efficiency
    • large tidal volume allows exchange nearly all of the depleted air in its lung with each exhalation
    • in land mammals tidal volume ranges from 10-15%, land mammals it is 75% and max of 90%
    • increased tidal volume is better than larger lungs because larger lungs would need more energy to counteract the increased buoyancy
    • tidal volume is both spatially and energetically advantageous
  • Cetacean lungs
    • primary bronchi runs almost whole length of the lung
    • few secondary bronchi, turn into small tubes that end in respiratory vesicles which are found along the length of the bronchioles and not at their ends like land mammals
  • Sirenians
    • very long and extend almost as far back as the kidneys
    • primary bronchi run almost entire length, very few secondary
    • arrangement of alveoli is unique to their species
    • bronchioles are very muscular and can control where air is moving from one respiratory vesicle to another
    • allows lung volume and air density to be compressed and be used to control buoyancy without flippers or caudal fins
    • lungs are similar to scuba tank in humans
  • Pinnipeds
    • both are approx equal in size
    • both have 3 lobes except right lungs has a small additional lobe
    • trachea divided into 2 bronchi, almost immediately as it enters chest which run parallel
    • then bronchi divide into bronchioles and eventually end in alveoli
  • Human alveoli -> no cartilage
    Phocid -> bronchiole reinforced completely with muscle and partially with cartilage, muscle extends full length
    Otariidae -> bronchiole reinforced with cartilage mainly, extends to mouth of alveolar sacs, muscle does not extend much
    Odobenid -> bronchiole reinforced completely with muscle and partially with cartilage, muscle extends full length, alveoli originates from cartilaginous airways, offshoot on muscle coat, laterally as alveolated ending
  • Sea otters
    • large thoracic cavity for body size
    • right lung has 4 lobes
    • left lung has 2 lobes
    • lungs are large in relation to body size (2.5 times larger than in other mammals of similar size)
    • lungs are used to control buoyancy rather than store oxygen for diving