Cards (37)

  • soul-making - a process where the basic seed of divine intelligence in all humans goes through necessary experiences, especially suffering, that transform the intelligence into a unique soul.
  • Soul making cannot be defined
  • Soulmaking can be innate gift or a learned skill, or a
    combination of both.
  • Soulmaking - a form of creating stories or transforming short moments into an image or symbols.
  • CONTEXT AND SYMBOLS - Considered to interpret and analyze either verbal or written works
  • STYLE - The distinctive handling of elements and media associated with the work.
  • FORM - The totality of the artwork (textures, colors, and shapes)
  • CONTENT - Includes form, subject matter, and underlying meanings or themes.
  • ARTWORK - What the audience sees (the finished product)
  • CRAFTING STORIES - Creating stories when an individual writes down his or her own personal feedback, life values, deep feelings, ideas, ideals, and even high and low emotions
  • CRAFTING INSTRUMENTS - Treated as “A bridge to the unknown” because the instrument creates sounds that exceed our thoughts, emotions, and sensations
  • CRAFTING MOVEMENTS - For artists who are more inclined to crafting movement, the pattern that life serves a person provides a source of inspiration
  • CRAFTING TECHNIQUES - Artist’s reflection of his life and experiences in any piece of art
  • CRAFTING STORIES -The moment we write, engrave, and inscribe our own thoughts, ideas, commentaries, criticisms, and positive and negative emotions, we are crafting stories
  • CRAFTING IMAGES - Imaging or representing in any form, which may be through painting, sculpting, drawing, story-telling, poetry, dancing, composing, or taking notes
  • The soul is accompanied by a vessel so that the soul will not vanish
  • STYLE ➢ Refers to the distinctive handling of elements and media.
  • FORM ➢ Is what the audience sees
  • CONTENT ➢ Is the subject matter and underlying meanings or themes
  • Meta - Means above
  • Phero - means to carry
  • SEEKING ➢ Point of self-recognition and that each of us is a seeker
  • SETTLING ➢ Communication with the soul, with other human and non-human beings (the future of humans and non-humans) and with the world.
  • SURRENDER ➢ Takes us up and throws us down; calls for the wounds we bear to be accepted; forces us to spend time living in the darkness.
  • SOULMAKING ➢ Where we start growing up with some wisdom looking for the welfare of others.
  • SOARING ➢ Conquering our worldly experiences of the material realities to travel, which does not happen if we only want to fly.
  • IMPROVISATION - Is doing something without prior preparation in an original way
  • IMPROVISATION - The unexpectedness of the changes brought about improvisation makes the artwork to have a distinctive quality that creates its individuality and identity
  • PERFORMING ARTS ➢ “On the spot” or “Off the cuff” moment
  • MUSIC ➢ Occurs during a solo performance
  • THEATRE ➢ Plays without pre-written dialogue or ad-lib when actors forget their line
  • APPROPRIATION - Ownership generally pertains to the general right of a person or an individual to control an object purchased or in his possession.
  • Copyright – the person who created the work
  • Copyright – exclusive
    rights to reproduce,
    todisplay publicly, to make
    and distribute copies, and to
    prepare derivative
    worksbased on the original
    artwork, as well as to
    authorize those mentioned
  • Appropriation is different from copying or forgery.
  • PLAGIARISM - The process or practice of using another person’s ideas or work and pretending that it is your own
  • FORGERY - Crime of false making or copying of something