Chromosomal DNA: controls cell's activities and replication, floats free in cytoplasm
Plasmid DNA: small loops of extra DNA that contain genes for things like drug resistance and can be passed down between bacteria
Flagellum: a long hair like structure that rotates to make the bacterium move
egg cells are adapted to their function by: containing nutrients in the cytoplasm, having a haploid nucleus, the membrane structure changes to stop anymore sperm coming in
the sperm is adapted by having a long tail, having lots of mitochondria, having acrosome and a haploid nucleus
ciliated epithelial cells have ciliated hairs that move mucus up and out of the trachea
image size= magnification*actual size
Enzymes are catalysts produced by living organisms that speed up chemical reactions.
Enzymes reduce the need for high temperatures and only speed up useful chemical reactions
chemical reactions involve things being split apart or joined together.
The substrate is the molecule changed in the reaction
active site: the part of the enzyme that binds to the substrate to catalyse and is the site of reaction
Enzymes are substrate specific and only work with one substrate
Lock and key mechanism: A substrate fits into an enzyme
substrate + enzyme = enzyme substrate complex
When enzymes get to hot the bonds holding it togther break denaturation occurs
all enzymes had an optimum temperature
When enzymes are to cold there is less kinetic energy for the enzymes so less collisions take place
Rate= change/time
digestive enzymes break down big molecules like proteins lipids and some carbohydrates into smaller molecules
Plants store energy in the form of starch and use enzymes to break them down into sugars so can be used for respiration
Enzymes called carbohydrasea convert carbohydrates into simple sugars
Starch is broken down by amylase into maltose and other sugars
Protease Converts proteins into amino acids
Lipases converts lipids into glycerol and fatty acids
Organisms need to be able to synthesise carbohydrates, proteins and lipids from their smaller components