The hole in the base of the skull, through which the spinal cord passes
The gap in between the upper canine and premolar found in great apes
Homo Erectus
The first human to use fire and spread out from Africa
The earliest known stone tools
Valgus angle
The angle between the shaft of femur and the vertical when the femur is in normal standing orientation
The bipedal apes and their ancestors
The tool with a core of flattened stone with two faces made by homo erectus
Homo habilis
The first known Hominni to use tools, also known as handyman
Describes the great apes, humans and their ancestors
Wernicke's area is located in the left temporal lobe and is responsible for speech comprehension
Cultural evolution
The type of evolution where things are taught/learned and not passed on by DNA
Homo heidelbergensis
The group of hominin that were initially called archaic homo sapiens and was the first with firm evidence for systematic hunting
Occipital condyle
The part of the brain that articulates with the first vertebra
Biological evolution
The type of evolution that is passed through DNA. Biological evolution is the transmission of physical, physiological, and behavioural adaptations passed on from parent to offspring in their genes
Name for fine stone tools which include flakes, scrapers and spears with attaches handles
The group of hominin that first buried the dead and cared for the old
The area of the brain that is most enlarged in apes and in humans
The first animal to be domesticated was the dog
Bowl shaped
The shape of the pelvis in bipedal organisms
The crest along the top of the skull
Australopithecus afarensis
Scientific name for lucy, the first to probable walk upright
Lower palaeolithic
The culture that included the Oldowan and Archeulian together. Called the "old stone age"
Neanderthal tool culture
Upper palaeolithic
The later phase of the old stone age
Tools made of more than one material
The Multiregional Model contends that after Homo erectus left Africa and dispersed into other portions of the Old World, regional populations slowly evolved into modern humans
Homo sapiens
The first species to make and use needles
Out of Africa
The Out of Africa Model asserts that modern humans evolved relatively recently in Africa, migrated into Eurasia and replaced all populations which had descended from Homo erectus
Brow ridge
Heavy bone over the eye which reduces the stresses in the skull and lower jaw involved with chewing
Having a snout/muzzle
Zygomatic arch
Gap through which large jaw muscles pass through
Replacement of hypothesis or eve hypothesis
Name for out of Africa hypothesis
What do ice ages do to the sea's water levels?
Lowers water level, creating land bridges between islands
What is mtDNA
Mitochondria DNA which is only passed on to daughters
Why can't chromosomes be used to show patterns of evolution?
Because it is passed on only to sons and isn't affected by recombination