
Cards (31)

  • Shell/terminal: Configure the OS from a command line.
  • Yellowdog Updater (YUM): Open-source CLI for downloading packages in Debian-based OS.
  • Samba allows Unix-like OS to provide file and print services to Windows clients.
  • man: display help for commands.
  • Ls: list files in a directory.
  • Mv: move or rename a file.
  • Cp: copy a file.
  • Rm: remove a file.
  • Mkdir: create a new folder.
  • Df: display free storage space.
  • Ps: display a list of running processes.
  • Apt-get remove uninstalls an application.
  • Advance Packaging Tool is a CLI utility to install, uninstall and upgrade applications in Debian-based distributions like Ubuntu.
  • Apt-get upgrade installs the latest version of installed applications. (Red-hat distros)
  • dd is used to copy a partition.
  • Apt-get install: installs a new application.
  • Chown is used to change the owner and group of a file.
  • sudo: temporarily grants administrator powers to allow the execution of a single Linux command requiring root access permission.
  • Chmod is used to change the permissions of a file or folder.
  • Apt-get update: updates the version list of installed applications.
  • Read/Write/Execute are different permissions grantable to a user or a group.
  • Top: displays running processes and resource usage. (task manager)
  • Find: search for files and directories.
  • Grep: search with regular expressions.
  • Dig: Displays DNS information (troubleshooting command).
  • Cat: display the contents of a file.
  • Nano: text editor.
  • Pwd: Check current working directory.
  • Ip: displays and configure a NIC.
  • df: Display available space in the disk
  • sudo: elevates the user's privileges to root.