christian beliefs

Cards (42)

  • ascension
    the event 40 days after the resurrection when Jesus returned to God
  • atonement
    the reconciliation between God and humanity that was sealed by the sacrificial death of Jesus (literally "at-one")
  • benevolent
    all loving
  • bible
    sacred book for christians containing the old and new testaments
  • blasphemy
    a religious offence which includes claiming to be God
  • catholic
    tradition led within the christian church with is led by the pope
  • christ
    messiah - leader promised by God for the jews
  • christian
    someone who believes in Jesus christ and follows the religion based on his teachings
  • church
    "body of christ" - where Christ is present in a building
  • creation
    christians believe that the world is God's loving creation
  • crucifixion
    the execution and death of Jesus on Good Friday
  • denomination
    a group within the christian faith with it's own organisations and traditions (e.g. catholics, orthodox, anglican)
  • evil
    opposite of good - a force that is destructive and against God
  • The Father
    part of the trinity - the creator and sustainer of the universe
  • Grace
    the unconditional and generous love God shows to people who do not deserve it
  • heaven
    the state after death of being with and enjoying the eternity with God
  • hell
    the place of eternal suffering, the separation from God
  • Holy Spirit
    part of the trinity - descended like a dove on Jesus during his baptism
  • incarnation
    literally "in the flesh" - the belief that God came to Earth and took the form as Jesus
  • Jesus
    Son of God
  • Judgement
    when God decides who should receive eternal life or eternal punishment
  • justice
    someone who treats each individual human being equally and fairly
  • moral evil
    suffering which is caused by humans using their freewill badly (e.g. murder, rape, war)
  • natural evil
    suffering which is caused beyond human control (e.g. natural disasters, disease)
  • omnipotent
    all powerful
  • orthodox
    most popular christian tradition in some parts of Eastern Europe, greek and Russian are 2 main orthodox churches
  • protestant
    churches that 'protested' and broke away from the Catholic Church during the Reformation, services based more closely on the Bible
  • purgatory
    state where some christians believe souls are cleansed in order to go to heaven
  • resurrection
    the event celebrated on Easter of Jesus rising from the dead
  • soul
    the form that Christians believe the afterlife will take
  • salvation
    saving the soul from sin and admission to heaven brought about by Jesus
  • salvation by grace
    the belief that all can enter heaven through faith in Jesus
  • salvation by good deeds
    the belief that accessing heaven comes through faith in God AND doing good deeds
  • satan
    the devil - source of power and evil in the world
  • sin
    behaviour which is against God
  • the Son
    part of the trinity - Jesus, in whom God became incarnate
  • sources of wisdom and authority
    the belief that christians should respect the Bible, religious leaders and statements of beliefs
  • suffering
    when people have to face/live with unpleasant events or conditions
  • trinity
    the belief that there are 3 persons in on God (father, son, holy spirit are separate but are also one being)
  • dwelt among us
    God created the world through his Word and links this to Jesus