islamic beliefs

Cards (37)

  • akhirah
    everlasting life after death
  • allah
    the arabic name for God
  • angels
    spiritual beings that act as messengers for God
  • beneficent
    benevolent, all-loving
  • caliph
    political and religious successor to the prophet Muhammad, and leader of the Sunni muslims
  • day of judgement
    when the world ends and every soul will be judged by God and either rewarded or punished
  • fairness
    God treats people fairly without favour or discrimination
  • Hadith
    the savings and actions of Muhammad recorded by this friends and family
  • hajj
    the annual pilgrimage to Mecca that every muslim should complete at least once in their life
  • iblis
    satan - a spiritual being created from fire, who was thrown out of paradise for refusing to follow Allah
  • Id-ul-Adha
    festival celebrated at the end of Hajj which remembers Ibrahim's willingness to sacrifice his son for God
  • Imam
    a person who leads salah (prayer) in a mosque and title given to leaders of Shi'a islam
  • Imamate
    the divinely (by God) appointed successors of Muhammad, blood related to the prophet
  • immanent
    the idea that God is present and involved with life on Earth and the universe
  • islam
    the religion followed by muslims
  • Jibril
    Gabriel - the archangel who brought God's message to the prophets (particularly Muhammad)
  • Ka'aba
    the black, cube-shaped building at the centre of the Grand Mosque in Mecca (the holiest place in islam)
  • merciful
    compassion and forgiveness
  • Mika'il
    Michael - the archangel of mercy who rewards good deeds and provides nourishment to people
  • monotheistic
    a religion that believes there is only one God
  • muslim
    one who has submitted the will of God and accepted islam
  • polytheistic
    a religion that believes there are many Gods
  • predestination
    the idea that God knows and determines everything that will happen in the universe
  • prophet
    a person who proclaims the message of God
  • prophethood
    when God makes someone a prophet to communicate his message to the people
  • Psalms
    the holy book revealed by God to David (prophet)
  • Qur'an
    the holy book revealed to Muhammad by the Angel Jibril
  • risalah
    the channel of communication between Allah and humans (angles, prophets and the Qur'an)
  • scrolls of Abraham
    a holy book revealed by God to Ibrahim
  • shi'a
    muslims who believe in the Imamate, the successorship of Ali
  • sunnah
    the example of Muhammad based on his sayings and actions found in the Hadith
  • sunni
    muslims who believe that Abu Bakr is the rightful successor of Muhammad
  • supremacy
    supreme power or authority
  • tawhid
    the oneness of God
  • torah
    the 5 books revealed by God to Moses
  • transcendent
    the idea that God is beyond time and space, not bound by any laws of the universe
  • sanctity of life
    belief that life is sacred because it was created by God