System administration deals with all the things you have to do to keep your computer system in a stable and usable order.
System administration can include tasks such as backing up files, installing new programs, managing accounts, and keeping the integrity of the file system.
Understanding the organisation of the file system tree can make your job as a sys admin easier.
This understanding comes through experience.
There are many different directories and files with varying importance in the file system tree.
This unit will focus on two main areas: /var and /etc.
/var contains spool directories, log files, accounting information and various other items.
Sub-directories of /var include /var/adm, which holds logs and setup records, /var/log, which holds various system log files, /var/spool, which holds spooling directories for printers, mail, etc., and /var/tmp, which holds temporary space.
System daemons, the kernel, utilities and services all produce data that is logged, which is stored in various 'log files'.
Log files can be very useful in determining any issues with the system.
For example, if a daemon refuses to start, check the log files.
The log files have a limited useful life span and there should be a clear retention policy.
Most log files are text files and can be easily viewed with standard tools such as cat, more, grep.
UNIX can be inconsistent with the location of log files, but Linux is better.
Having a clear logging and retention policy is very important.
Different distributions of Linux have their own ways of naming and dividing up log files, but generally, Linux sends log files to the /var/log directory.
The /var directory is specific for each computer or server.
dmesg is used to examine or control the kernel ring buffer and can assist in determining any errors or problems with the system.
httpd is a web server daemon and the Apache HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) server program, it runs as a standalone daemon process.
Mysqld.log logs each SQL statement received from clients.
Examples of services that run at start-up include httpd, init.d, mysqld, ntpd, and ftpd.
The ‘syslog’ file can be viewed using ‘more’ and is a record of system activity.
These initialise during the boot process of your system.
The purpose of the ‘syslog’ file is to record system activity.
/etc/passwd consists of information about the user, including Username, Real name, Home directory, and other information about the user.
For example, specifying in /etc/syslog.conf results in mail messages being saved in /var/log/maillog.
/etc/ is part of the root filesystem and is used for critical system and configuration files.
Sudo has been largely superseded by ‘sudo’, which works in a similar way to ‘su’ but is more restricted in that it does not automatically grant full root privileges.
Three services which are configured to run at start-up are httpd, init.d, and mysqld.
/etc/init.d contains a number of start-up and stop scripts for various services on your system.
Mysqld.log, also known as the MySQL Server, manages access to MySQL database and tables.
Upon using the ‘sudo’ command, sudo consults the /etc/sudoers file to see if the user is authorised to use sudo.
Upon typing ‘su’, you will be asked for a password, which can be the root password or the password of the user (su – username).
Sudo is faster to use than use su or log in as root.
Sudo keeps a log for the commands which were executed.
At times, you may need to view sensitive files, such as those in /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow, and for this, you will need to use ‘su’ or ‘sudo’.
The server writes information to this log when clients connect or disconnect.
The other two service files are /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow.
Some important files and directories in /etc are /etc/syslog.conf, /etc/init.d, /etc/passwd, and /etc/shadow.