From one man he made all the nations''There is neither Jew nor Gentile'How would most Christians interpret these teachings? How would it influence how they treat others?
Everyone is equalReligion shouldn't be a cause of inequality Everyone should be treated with equal respect
Fair and level treatment of all human beings regardless of ethnic background, nationality, gender, disability, religion/beliefs, sexual orientation or age
Impossible to deny that people have different talents/levels of intelligence/abilitiesPeople should not be treated the same but should be treated fairly regarding these differences
What is the impact on the Christian belief about equality on how they behave towards others?
Christians believe each individual has worth and value. The value is not dependent on how others see us or what we think of ourselves. Each person should recognise their value as being equal to everyone of God's unique creation
In what ways was Jesus' attitude to women different from the society at that time?
Jesus suggests that god created man and women equally in his imageSuggests men and women should be treated equally/equal respect. Most people at this time would've thought that women were not the equal of men/men were superior to women
Should we base our attitudes on those in the bible?
We can, but it is Important to understand some parts of the bible are not necessarily relevant to today's society. Society has changed since the time of the bible so some teachings need to be interpreted to fit a modernisedsociety.