Content / Thematic Analysis

Cards (5)

  • Define content analysis
    Investigation into qualitative (non-numerical) data, most typically a recording of participants. The analysis becomes quantitative (numerical)
  • How does it do from qualitative - quantitative? - Content Analysis
    • Film / gather content
    • Watch the content
    • Form behavioural categories and give examples (social behaviour; talking, laughing, smiling. OR Aggression; frowning, shouting, hitting)
    • Watch again and tally
    • Using multiple observes compare responses = inter-rater reliability (creates high correlation 0.8 correlation coefficient = strong level of agreement = AIM).
  • What are the benefits?- Content Analysis
    • Recording can be rewatched - to increase accuracy and check reliability, allowing researchers to verify whether their initial interpretations are consistent over time.
    • No time pressure - can rewatch/pause recordings - allows for a more thorough examination & careful consideration of content. Helpful as content analysis often involves analysing complex or extensive material. Reduces chance of errors or misinterpretations.
  • What are the limitations?- Content Analysis
    Only a snap-shot of behaviour. Only captures behaviour at a particular point in time, which may:
    • Not provide a complete/accurate view of behaviour over time.
    • Not capture the full complexity or context of the behaviour being studied
    = decreases validity
  • Define thematic analysis + compare
    Similar to a content analysis, but the data remains qualitative.

    The researcher is looking for themes in content and writing about them.

    Write up doesn’t go into tally, it says in sentences, themes.

    (+)More in-depth and detail nature, capture meaning of study.

    (+/-)Takes longer, but more meaningful.