Uniform Terminology - This document is intended to provide a generic outline of the domain of concern of occupational therapy and is designed to create common terminology for the profession and to capture the essence of occupational therapy succinctly for others
Sensory awareness - Receiving and differentiating sensory stimul
Sensory processing - Interpreting sensory stimuli
Tactile - Interpreting light touch, pressure, temperature, pain, and vibration through skin contact/receptors
Proprioceptive - Interpreting stimuli originating in muscles, joints, and other internal tissues that give information about the position of one body part in relation to others
Vestibular - Interpreting stimuli from the inner ear receptors regarding head position and movement
Visual - Interpreting stimuli through the eyes, including peripheral vision and acuity, and awareness of color and pattern
Auditory - Interpreting and localizing sounds, and discriminating background sounds
Gustatory - Interpreting tastes
Olfactory - Interpreting odors
Perceptual processing - Organizing sensory input into meaningful patterns
Stereognosis - Identifying objects through proprioception, cognition, and the sense of touch
Kinesthesia - Identifying the excursion and direction of joint movement
Pain response - Interpreting noxious stimuli
Body scheme - Acquiring an internal awareness of the body and the relationship of body parts to each other
Right-left discrimination - Differentiating one side from the other
Form constancy - Recognizing forms and objects as the same in various environments, positions, and sizes
Position in space - Determining the spatial relationship of figures and objects to self or other forms and objects
Visual-closure - Identifying forms or objects from incomplete presentations
Figure ground - Differentiating between foreground and background forms and objects
Depth perception - Determining the relative distance between objects, figures, or landmarks and the observer, and changes in planes of surfaces
Spatial relations - Determining the position of objects relative to each other
Topographical orientation - Determining the location of objects and settings and the route to the location
Reflex - Eliciting an involuntary muscle response by sensory input
Range of motion - Moving body parts through an arc
Muscle tone - Demonstrating a degree of tension or resistance in a muscle at rest and in response to stretch
Strength - Demonstrating a degree of muscle power when movement is resisted, as with objects or gravity
Endurance - Sustaining cardiac, pulmonary, and musculoskeletal exertion over time
Postural control - Using righting and equilibrium adjustments to maintain balance during functional movements
Postural alignment - Maintaining biomechanical integrity among body parts
Soft tissue integrity - Maintaining anatomical and physiological condition of interstitial tissue and skin
Motor control - Using the body in functional and versatile movement patterns
Praxis - Conceiving and planning a new motor act in response to an environmental demand
Fine coordination/dexterity - Using small muscle groups for controlled movements, particularly in object manipulation
Visual-motor integration - Coordinating the interaction of information from the eyes with body movement during activity
Oral-motor control - Coordinating oropharyngeal musculature for controlled movements
Gross coordination - Using large muscle groups for controlled, goal-directed movements
Crossing the midline - Moving limbs and eyes across the midsagittal plane of the body
Laterality - Using a preferred unilateral body part for activities requiring a high level of skill
Bilateral integration - Coordinating both body sides during activity