Volcanic Hazards

Cards (21)

  • Types of lava hazards:
    1. Lava fountain
    2. Tephra fall/ash fall
    3. Pyroclastic Density Currents
    4. Volcanic gases
  • Lava fountain
    • more explosive "spraying" or "fountaining of lava"
  • Lava fountain:
    • Ballistic bombs/fragments - ejected and projectiled from the vent, hazardous for near-vent areas
  • Lava flow
    • Generally effusive lava outpouring or oozing
  • Tephra Fall
    • Tephra, mostly ash, which are erupted to form an eruption column and an eruption cloud, will eventually settle and fall to the ground
  • Tephra Fall
    • most widespread volcanic hazard, ash can travel very far if suspended in atmosphere for a long time
  • Causes of tephra fall:
    • Respiratory issues
    • Structure collapses due to weight of ash (infrastructure damages)
    • Damages crops
    • Obscure sunlight
    • Disrupts transportation (land and aviation)
  • Pyroclastic Density Currents (other names):
    • Pyroclastic flows
    • Pyroclastic surge
    • Base surge
  • Pyroclastic Density Currents:
    • Turbulent mass of volcanic materials (ash +rocks) + hot gasses that flow downslope at very high speeds (>60 kph)
  • Pyroclastic Density Currents
    • deadliest volcanic hazard
  • Causes of PDCs:
    1. burning
    2. burial
    3. asphyxiation
    4. filling valleys with pyroclastic materials
  • Lahar
    • Hot or cold mixture of water and rock fragments that flows down the slopes of a volcano and typically enters a river valley
  • Causes of lahar:
    1. severe flooding
    2. destruction of lives and properties
  • Fumaroles: vents where gasses from magma escape to the surface)
  • Volcanic gases
    • Exsolved from magma and may be released in eruption plume or along fumaroles
    • toxic when concentrated
  • Volcanic smog (vog)
    • produced from sulfur dioxide
  • Carbon dioxide
    • Trapped in low lying areas can be lethal to people and animals
    • 3% CO2 -> headaches, dizziness, increased heart rate and difficulty breathing
    • 15% mixing ratios carbon dioxide quickly causes unconsciousness and death
  • Hydrogen halides:
    • HF
    • HCl
    • HBr
  • Hydrogen halides
    • strong toxic acids
    • Have high solubility; rapidly dissolve in water droplets within volcanic plumes or the atmosphere
  • Sulfur dioxide
    • irritating to eyes, skin and respiratory system
  • Hydrogen sulfide
    • Is very toxic in high concentrations
    • Irritation of the upper respiratory tract and during long exposure, pulmonary edema
    • 500 ppm can cause human to fall unconscious (5 mins); die in an hour or less